Subtotal Petrosectomy​

Subtotal petrosectomy is a surgery of the temporal bone to radically exanterate all the air cells in temporal bone ,remove the middle ear structures and close the ear by plugging the eustachian tube and a blind sac closure of the external auditory canal.

The main indications for this surgery are persistently discharging ear with no serviceable hearing , Transverse temporal bone fractures with CSF otorrhoea ,and as part of tumour removal of the ear and lateral skull base.

Dr Abhineet is among the few ear surgeons in the country trained in this surgery.

Ear infections occasionally can get notorious and erode the bones of the ear ( temporal bone). If left unattended, it can progress to pus formation in adjacent areas like the brain and neck. Occasionally, this becomes life threatening. Whether it is aggressive ear infection, cholesteatoma or cancer of ear in this region, the treatment is ear surgery encompassing removal of the affected area. Surgery for hearing is generally not considered in this scenario since the principal aim is complete extirpation of disease. However, individualisation of every patients disease is essential before decision making.